San Francisco

San Francisco School Board Member Files Lawsuit Against District, Colleagues

NBC Universal, Inc. Member of the San Francisco School Board, Alison Collins, is suing the district and her colleagues over what she calls retaliation and violating her free speech rights by stripping her of her position of vice president and removing her from committees over tweets she posted about Asian Americans in 2016. Cheryl Hurd reports.

Member of the San Francisco School Board, Alison Collins, is suing the district and her colleagues over what she calls retaliation and violating her free speech rights by stripping her of her position of vice president and removing her from committees over tweets she posted about Asian Americans in 2016.

“That school board in the darkness of night trying to hide their evil deeds took her from her seat and stripped her of her committee, that was a lynching,” said Amos Brown, NAACP president.

A lynching her supporters say over a Twitter thread she posted in 2016 which included statements against Asian Americans that some say, were racist.

Tweets she posted before she held public office and thoughts she put on social media as a mother.

Collins is suing the school district and five board members who supported a no confidence vote last week against her, stripping her of her vice president title and committee posts.

She feels retaliated against and stripped of her civil rights and is seeking $70 million in damages.  

“I am a Black woman, I’m a mother, I’m an educator,  all of these legacies, I have no other choice but to fight,” said Collins. “Don’t lie to me because it’s politically correct to stand in solidarity with the Asians because there’s violence. Yes it’s violence our hearts are breaking but don’t throw another person of color under the bus for your political career.”

Parents and one state politician disagrees.

“To seek $72 million from a cash-strapped school district that she led into fiscal crisis is very irresponsible and very disappointing,”  said parent Cyn Wang.

Collins' attorney says the school board has a week to call a special session to rescind it’s vote.

“How a school board member can be so self absorbed to file this kind of lawsuit it’s outrageous," said Sen. Scott Wiener. "Alison Collins needs to drop the lawsuit, she needs to resign from the school board and we need to get our kids back to school.”

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