San Francisco's Sutro Reservoir Gets Seismic Safety Upgrades

Construction crews are working on installing seismic upgrades to San Francisco’s Sutro Reservoir in preparation for a major earthquake. Jodi Hernandez reports.

Construction crews are working on retrofitting San Francisco's Sutro Reservoir with seismic safety upgrades.

On Monday, crews drained millions of gallons of water from the reservoir's storage basins so the upgrades could begin. The Sutro Reservoir project is one of many upgrades San Francisco's Public Utilities Commission has tackled over the past decade as it works to get the area earthquake-proof.

"It's a matter of when, not if and that's why we're much better prepared than we were 10 years ago," said Harlan Kelly of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Crews on Monday worked on solidifying the storage facility with concrete frames. In addition, workers also replaced the flooring and are adding a new liner. The upgrades are designed to ensure water service and protect neighbors from flooding should a major temblor hit the Bay Area.

Retrofitting the Sutro Reservoir also is the final project in the city's $4.6 billion water system improvement plan. Officials said the upgrades are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.

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