San Jose Police to Conduct PR Campaign to Sell Public On Drones

Earlier this year, the San Jose Police Department went ahead and bought itself a drone without input from the public or elected officials.

And, on Saturday, police will tell anyone who wants to listen all about why that was a good idea.

KQED reports the police say they want to use the drone, a small radio-controlled "quadcopter," for "search-and-rescue" missions and "to help the bomb squad check potential threats from a distance."

There's also the chance that drones could be used to check "potential issues where somebody's life could immediately be in danger," deputy Chief Dave Hober told a November meeting.

That's a bit broad for those who fear drones would be subject to "mission creep," meaning drones' utility would be expanded to surveillance and other purposes, the radio station reported.

Hear what police have to say at 10 a.m. Saturday at San Jose City Hall.

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