Napa County

Body of Woman Found After Jet Skier Reported Missing on Napa River

A search is on for a woman in her 50s who went missing after jet skiing in the Napa River. Stephanie Chuang reports.

A body was found Thursday morning in the Napa River, where a 48-year-old woman had gone jet skiing the day before.

Napa County Sheriff's Capt. Doug Pike said the body matches the general description of the woman who went jet skiing near Moore's Resort. He said the woman, identified as Kelly May, may have collided with Brazos Bridge because her jet ski had major damage.

The woman went jet skiing on Wednesday, and her roommate last saw her about 8:30 p.m.

Pike said May lived with her husband and two roommates in the 1500 block of Milton Road. She had been expected to park her jet ski in a trailer for storage, Pike said, but she never showed up.

Her roommate discovered the jet ski floating up against the bridge.

Fishermen told NBC Bay Area they surprised to hear of the news. They said the water in the area is normally calm.

An autopsy will determine May's exact cause of death.

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