San Francisco

SF Mayor's Pingpong Event Unites City, Chinatown Community

The game of pingpong helped thaw relations between the United States and China more than 40 years ago. And today, it’s still being used as way to bring people together in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

The game of pingpong helped thaw relations between the United States and China more than 40 years ago. And today, it's still being used as way to bring people together in San Francisco's Chinatown.

Mayor Ed Lee held his seventh annual Chinatown Ping Pong Festival and Tournament on Sunday and even showed off some of his table tennis skills.

More than 400 people registered to compete in the event at Portsmouth Square.

Lee said table tennis is a great way to bring the community together.

"I enjoy working with our consul general and creating the sister city relationships, the friendship cities," Lee said. "We're still an international city, and pingpong still is a great diplomatic communication."

Lee also joked that everyone wanted a shot at him in the tournament, and he welcomed all competitors.

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