SJ Self Storage Fire Stymies Firefighters

Fire crews will continue mopping up hot spots at least until this  evening at a San Jose storage facility where a three-alarm fire damaged  dozens of lockers Sunday night, a fire captain said.   

 The blaze was reported just before 7 p.m. at Bay Area Self Storage  at 6020 Monterey Road, San Jose fire Capt. Charles Rangel said. It was  controlled at 1:05 a.m. today.    

Forty-eight storage lockers were damaged in the flames, and  another 20 endured smoke and water damage, according to Rangel.    

A police officer complained of a headache and sore throat likely  due to smoke drift, but the officer did not need to be hospitalized, Rangel  said. No other injuries were reported.    

Authorities issued a shelter-in-place warning Sunday night due to  heavy smoke from the fire, and lifted it at about 5:30 a.m. today, Rangel  said.    

The fire appears to have started in one of the storage lockers,  but the cause has not yet been determined. Rangel said it does not appear  suspicious.

Bay City News

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