South Bay City Bucks Crime Trend

Officials tout the reason behind safety on the streets of Sunnyvale

Most of the time when we hear about crime, the numbers are up. But one Bay Area city is bucking that trend.

Sunnyvale's Department of Public Safety released crime numbers for 2010 and said they dropped 17 percent.

Sunnyvale leaders say crime has been dropping in their city limits for the past few years.

  • 2,444 crimes reported in 2010
  • 2,959 crimes reported in 2009
  • 5,000 crimes reported in 1993

The most dramatic reductions were in property crimes, commercial, residential and school burglaries, auto theft and auto burglaries, and other larcenies, which all dropped by 18 percent, according to Sunnyvale.

The Department of Public Safety credits good policing, public education programs, activities for at-risk youth, and the support of an aware community as the reasons their city is safer.

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