Star Trek Films at Lawrence Livermore

Trekkies will be happy to know that the new Star Trek movie will include scenes shot in the Bay Area.

To the delight of Star Trek fans here in the Bay Area, the crew of the Starfleet Enterprise has landed at the Lawrence Livermore Labs, according to the Mercury News.

Film crews are shooting parts of a J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie at the East Bay lab.

It's a closed set. Unless you have one of those Star Trek contraptions that works with the phrase, "Beam Me Up Scotty," you won't be seeing any of the locally produced action before the movie hits theaters.

The interior of the lab's National Ignition Facility is the back drop for the Hollywood crew.

NIF is the where scientists use ultraviolet light from the world's largest laser to produce thermonuclear ignition at temperatures and densities similar to the sun. It is the size of three football fields. The filming is all happening indoors the very futurist-looking facility.

The still unnamed movie is a sequel to the 2009 prequel and stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana and Benedict Cumberbatch.

The film is expected to be out next year.

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