State Dept. Sends Ambassador to Twitter as Mubarak Refuses to Exit

She may not be Brian Wilson or even Snoop Dogg but the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations arrival at Twitter couldn't come at a more opportune time.

Ambassador Susan Rice is scheduled to visited Twitter's San Francisco headquarters on Thursday, the day the revolution spurned by Twitter and Facebook was expected to come to a dramatic climax in Egypt.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was expected to step down Thursday, partly because of 17 days of protests that were organized by Egyptian youth organizing on Twitter and Facebook. But he surprised many when he refused to leave on Egyptian television.

Realizing the growing role of social networking sites in the international world, the State Department is reaching out to companies such as Twitter and Facebook.

Rice is scheduled to talk about US foreign policy, the popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia and more.

The ambassador took  questions from across the globe via Twitter using the hashtag #askambrice. The ambassador is also on Twitter @ambassadorrice.

The meeting was ivestreamed at

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