Steve Jobs Play Opens Thursday

The show must go on.

American dramatist Mike Daisey and his highly anticipated Steve Jobs monologue will proceed as scheduled, despite Jobs' medical leave, reports Valleywag.

On his blog, Daisey writes,

There's a palpable sense of loss and change as the tech industry struggles to know what this will mean for its future. We stand at a crossroads, and it is my sincere belief that this story, capturing both his genius and his stubbornness, his brilliance and his ridiculousness, can help turn our attention to how the tech industry can grow up and begin to take responsibility for its decisions.

One reviewer of his preview show called it "a very funny and entertaining evening with a serious message." 

Another review said, "Most of us in the audience will never look at our gadgets and our ways of life as we did before he spoke."

Daisey's show, "The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs" will open this Thursday at the Berkeley Repertory Theater.

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