San Jose

Caught on Cam: Berkeley Shoplifting Suspects Hide Wagyu Beef in Their Purse

berkeley beef theft

The owners of the Tokyo Fish Market in Berkeley say the people seen in this video above stole $300 worth of pricey Japanese Wagyu beef from their store shelves.

Wagyu is the top-tier imported meat from Japan that's almost $100 a pound.

Cameras caught the pair running from the store and handing the beef to someone else.

According to Berkeley police, a woman requested $250 worth of Wagyu beef steak from the Tokyo Fish Market at 1220 San Pablo Avenue at 5:45 p.m. on May 24. The woman then walked to a secluded part of the store and hid the beef steak in her purse. She then left the store without paying for the beef steak.

Another Japanese establishment, this one in San Jose, posted on their Facebook page Monday that their restaurant got broken into at 2:30 a.m.

Minato, is a family-owned restaurant in San Jose's Japantown. Anthony Bourdain ate lunch there when he visited San Jose as part of his show "Parts Unknown." 

The restaurant posted a photo of a broken storefront along with that of the suspect.

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