Suspicious Vehicle on Campus Prompts Gilroy School District Warning

The Gilroy Unified School District is warning students and parents about suspicious men who have been spotted lurking around neighborhood high schools in a gold vehicle linked to past incidents.

GUSD released a parent advisory letter to parents alerting of suspicious activity at Mount Madonna High School over the past few weeks.

Mount Madonna High School administration observed a vehicle driving slowly through the school parking lot in a car that doesn’t belong to a student, according to the district. Administrators reported the license plate information to Gilroy Police Department, and officers connected the car to a similar incident at Christopher High School last year.

In that incident, the district says two CHS female students were approached in 2014 by two men in their late teens or early 20s. Both men invited the girls to take rides in their cars and asked to see their cell phones and to follow them home.

The car is described as a gold, four-door Nissan Maxima with tinted windows and a San Jose Sharks sticker on the back window.

The Gilroy Police Department says they are investigating.

GUSD and the police department are urging students and parents to report all incidents and to be increasingly aware of surroundings.

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