
Thanksgiving Travel Expected to Return to Near Pre-Pandemic Levels

NBC Universal, Inc. After COVID slowed holiday travel for the past couple of years, this season, more people are packing up their bags and heading to see family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Ginger Conejero Saab reports.

After COVID slowed holiday travel for the past couple of years, this season, more people are packing up their bags and heading to see family for the Thanksgiving holiday.

According to AAA, travel over the Thanksgiving holiday nationwide is expected to reach 98% of pre-pandemic volume.

San Jose international Airport was bustling Sunday as many travelers were hoping to beat the Thanksgiving rush.

AAA estimates nearly 900,000 people will travel by air in California during this holiday. One of the highest volumes on record.

Monterey County resident Amanda Little and her 2-year-old daughter Scarlet are one of those people traveling as they were headed to Texas.

“So far, so good. We drove up from Monterey County. We're headed to see my husband’s parents in Austin. We fly out in about an hour. This is a big trip for her,” she said.

If you’re packing up your car and driving to see family, you’re not alone. AAA predicts 6 million drivers in California will do the same.

After COVID slowed holiday travel, this season more people are packing up their bags and heading to see family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Marianne Favro reports.

AAA officials added that the worst time to be on the road Wednesday is between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. and between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

So, if people who plan to drive Wednesday or Thursday, experts recommend to hit the road before 8 a.m. Wednesday, after 8 p.m. Wednesday or before 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving.

“Our best advice is going to be to plan ahead. Normally, we always start as well. Give yourself time to get where you are going. Slow down. Very often, some of the worst crashes that we see during this holiday period are caused by people rushing,” said Andrew Barclay with the CHP Golden Gate Division.

The CHP said they will be beefing up enforcement on the highways later this week, to crack down on speeding and drunk drivers.

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