Memorial Day Weekend Travel to be Busiest Since 2005

NBC Universal, Inc. Memorial Day weekend is projected to be the busiest for airline travel since 2005, and millions more will be taking to the roads. Ginger Conejero Saab reports.

Memorial Day weekend is projected to be the busiest for airline travel since 2005, and millions more will be taking to the roads.

According to AAA, 5 million Californians will be traveling this holiday weekend, an 11% jump from last year, including more than half a million people traveling by air.

The top destinations are Orlando, New York and Las Vegas. The busiest times over the holiday weekend are expected to be 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and noon to 3 p.m. Monday.

Ginger Conejero Saab has the full story in the video above.

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