Twitter Not a Toddler Anymore

In less than 140 characters

 Whether you’re on-line following minute by minute updates on the historic health care vote or cyber stalking your favorite celeb, odds are you’re on Twitter.

With that said, here’s a story for all you "tweeps."

Just today, Twitter gave us a platform to learn that on March 19 at 8:21 a.m., Late Night's Jimmy Fallon looked out his window and saw Sponge Bob Square Pants crossing the street.

Indeed, the site that made such knowledge possible, is turning four today.  No longer a toddler, this company is a big boy for sure.

The status-only option makes "what’s happening now" virtually anywhere in the world, shared with virtually anyone in the world -- that is as long as you keep your thinking within 140 characters.

In true tweet fashion, the social networking site's co-founder Jack Dorsey tweeted, "One could change the world with one hundred and forty characters.

The San Francisco based company continues to grow, with a current count of 12 million users.

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