UC Students Get Hard Lesson in Math

Board to discuss fee hikes next week

The University of California has proposed raising tuition by more than 30 percent next year as part of its plan to address rising costs and deep cuts in state funding.

UC officials Thursday released a plan that calls for a 15 percent increase in undergraduate fees starting in the winter and spring 2010 terms, followed by another 15 percent hike next fall.

If approved, in-state undergraduate fees would rise by 32 percent to $10,302, which doesn't include campus fees that average $930.The proposed increases would come on top of a 9.3 percent fee increase approved in May. Fees for graduate students and nonresident undergraduates would rise by similar amounts.

The 10-campus system is also considering charging additional fees for undergraduates who major in professional degree programs in fields such as business and engineering, starting in 2010-11.

The UC Board of Regents plans to discuss the fee increases and other measures to raise revenue and cut costs when it meets next week. It is expected to vote on the proposals at its November meeting.

The university is also proposing to cut freshman enrollment by an additional 2,300 students, or 7 percent. That would follow a similar enrollment cut that brought the size of this fall's entering class to about 35,300 freshmen.

UC officials say the moves are needed to preserve the quality of education as the university grapples with a 20 percent drop in state funding and increased operating costs.

The university is laying off hundreds of employees, cutting courses and academic programs, and imposing furloughs for most of its 180,000 workers.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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