Website Offers Cutting Critique of Cal Tuition Hikes chronicles students' financial struggles

We've heard about the sit-ins and the protests. Now UC Berkeley students are sounding off about budget cuts online.

Students are attempting to put faces and real stories to the tuition hikes and cutbacks by chronicling the impacts on a new website,

Graduate photojournalism student James Buck says the cuts are hitting students and staff in so many ways he knew they needed to be documented.

"I've just seen so many different stories from people who really don't care much or aren't affected that much, to people whose lives have really been changed and are in danger of not being able to stay in school," said Buck.

Buck and his team are interviewing and photographing students and professors on campus. Photo galleries, stories and video clips can be found on their website.

The project's giving people like comparative-literature major and single mother Audra Zamora a vehicle to share their struggles. Zamora says the 32 percent fee hike is hurting her family.

"I'm glad they're getting everybody's story out and I'm happy to share my story because I know it's one that's probably untold," said Zamora.

Buck and his team say they're glad they're giving people an outlet both to share and to learn the true scope of the budget cuts.

They hope to expand the project to the rest of the state's college campuses.

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