When Mountain Lions Move in the Neighborhood

A mountain lion was sighted in an unincorporated area of San Mateo  County Monday night - the third such sighting this month - according to the  Office of Emergency Services.
The wild animal was seen feeding at about 11 p.m. in the vicinity  of Oak Knoll Drive near Canyon Lane in the Emerald Lake neighborhood near  Redwood City, the same streets where a wildcat was spotted two weeks ago.
As recently as Wednesday night, a mountain lion was spotted in the  same area near the 3800 block of Hamilton Way.
Residents are advised not to approach mountain lions, to avoid  hiking or jogging when the cats are most active - at dawn, dusk and night -  and to keep a close watch on small children.
A camera set up at Jasper Ridge, near Stanford, has captured two dozen mountain lion there in the past ten months. You can see the photos at this link.

Mountain lions generally try to avoid confrontation, but residents  who encounter the animal should not flee, but rather face the animal, make  noise and try to appear larger with arm waving.
 More information about mountain lions is available at  www.keepmewild.org.

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