Who's Got the Goat?

$1,000 reward offered in case of missing goat

The oldest inhabitant of Tilden Little Farm in Berkeley is missing and her fan base is growing ever more concerned about her whereabouts.

Honey, a 16-year-old Swiss Alpine goat, was snatched sometime in the evening of January 7 and hasn't been heard from since. A lot of work went into getting her out of the pen she shared with seven other goats. The goatnappers had to move rocks and lift the animal over a five-foot gate, the farm's supervising naturalist, David Zuckermann, told the Mercury News.

Nothing has been confirmed but several sightings have been reported from as far away as the North Bay.

Now, the East Bay Regional Park system is offering a $1,000 reward for Honey's safe return, we hear from the folks at Berkeleyside. Half of the money came from a concerned citizen in Oakland; the park matched it and announced the doubled reward Wednesday.

Honey should be easy to spot. "She's a typical sweet old goat with a crooked smile." Naturalist James Wilson describes. "And her ears always hang to the sides rather than up and down." There's also an ID tag in one of those low-hanging ears.

Come on, goat-snatchers: Time to give up Honey. After all, wouldn't you rather have a grand than an old goat?

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