November 19, 2011 6:20 pm

Videocast: Chilly Wind, Rain and Low Snow Levels

Chilly sun kicked off the weekend, good timing for our NBC Bay Area Weekend Food Drive at local Safeway stores. Now – the weather is turning very Wintry overnight. A cold system will spin up winds 15-25 mph and locally higher gust as the cold front drives through overnight. Some cold air trapped in the North Bay and inland Central Valley locations north of Vacaville/Fairfield could see a mix of ice pellet showers or even some sleet with heavier showers. This can happen on occasion with cold precip falling through very chilly air trapped near ground level – so we’ll see. Otherwise snow levels should be close to 2,500 in the North Bay and closer to 3,500 feet for the rest of the Bay Area. Rain will change to scattered showers and sunshine during the day Sunday with most of the showers for areas near the hills especially from the San Francisco/Concord south. By Sunday evening drier air will settle in and if winds remain light we could see some patchy frost setting up into Monday morning. The forecast is looking dry until early Wednesday before a milder, but wetter system tosses more rain our way for the getaway Wednesday evening commute into Thanksgiving morning. Enjoy your Sunday! – Rob Mayeda

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