Anti-War Mom Cindy Sheehan Dogs Obama

Once camped near Bush ranch, now att Martha's Vineyard

There's nothing partisan about anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan, who pestered President Bush on his vacations: She's now in Martha's Vineyard, protesting President Obama's escalation of the fighting in Afghanistan.

Sheehan, who once camped near Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, and became a symbol of the anti-war movement after her son Casey died in action in Iraq, brought a band of protesters to the media center used by journalists covering Obama's vineyard vacation.

"The reason I am here is because ... even though the facade has changed in Washington DC, the policies are still the same," Sheehan told a handful of journalists, against a backdrop of her "Camp Casey" banner.

Sheehan called on peace activists to denounce the the war in Afghanistan and complained that despite the president's anti-war stance, U.S. troops remained in Iraq.

"We have to realize, it is not the president who is power, it is not the party that is in power it is the system that stays the same, no matter who is in charge," she said.

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