Donald Trump

Controversial Halloween Costumes Photo Stirs Debate

A controversial photograph from a San Diego high school Halloween party is stirring strong reaction across the county.

The photo shows two boys dressed up as Border Patrol agents, who appear to be handcuffing a girl dressed up as a maid.

In San Ysidro near the U.S.-Mexico border, people who saw the photo say it implies the maid is an immigrant who is about to be deported.

"It’s racist, to say the least. I don’t find that funny," said Edgar Rodriguez.

Rodriguez is from Los Angeles and was in Tijuana visiting family. He said his brother is a DACA student who is fearful of being deported.

"In the end, it’s confronting people instead of building bridges and to be kind to each other. Those kinds of action do the opposite thing," said Paulina Salazar of Mexico City.

But in the East County, there was a different viewpoint.

"I’m not offended by it because that’s the way it is nowadays with kids. But it is just downright stupid," said Marilyn Krogh of El Cajon.

One man said he found the picture offensive because of the way it portrays Border Patrol agents.

"I am not one who thinks the Border Patrol agents are doing anything wrong. After 30-years of not patrolling the border very well, it’s about time we patrol the border."

Many who found the photo offensive blamed the divisiveness on President Donald Trump.

"I feel the kids don’t see the bigger picture. They don’t see how serious and important things are because we have a president who jokes about matters like this," said Aushiree Boynes of Poway.

But when shown old video of protesters hitting a piñata of President Trump, some had a different perspective.

"Wel, that’s the Mexican culture. We make fun of our problems. We make fun of everything and that’s a perfect example. We make fun of the U.S. president,"  said Rodriguez.

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