December 14, 2016 11:33 pm

Crosses Blanket Indiana Town After Federal Lawsuit

A federal lawsuit forced an Indiana town to remove a cross from atop their Christmas tree. Now residents are putting up crosses everywhere. They’re appearing in businesses, neighborhoods and places they’ve never been seen before in Knightstown. The cross frenzy started on Tuesday night, when a couple of pick-up trucks with homemade crosses standing in their beds drove around the town square. A small group of people held up smaller crosses to passing traffic. Several drivers sounded their horns in support. The town’s Christmas lighted tree stood above them all without a cross. When one resident sued the town, the council took it down. Patricia Hutson was one of many disappointed residents. “It makes me sad we can’t express our opinion of what we want Christmas decorations to be,” she said. Hutson and friends started making crosses and giving them away – almost 600 so far. Bill Windson grabbed four for him and a neighbor. “It looks like the law protects the minority instead of the majority,” he said.

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