NSA Releases Email Snowden Sent to Agency Officials

U.S officials confirmed that NSA contractor Edward Snowden sent at least one email about the agency's domestic surveillance programs before he fled the U.S. with thousands of stolen documents, contradicting earlier claims by the agency that no such paper trail existed. The email was released Thursday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence a short time after a White House press conference. Snowden told NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams in an exclusive interview that he emailed the NSA about his concerns the agency was overstepping its bounds. Two U.S. officials who confirmed that they read Snowden's April 5, 2013 email told NBC News that Snowden had asked a legal question, but had not “raised concerns” about the NSA’s practices. Just six months ago, the NSA told the Washington Post that there was no evidence Snowden had brought his concerns to the agency.

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