Facebook Pairs with Websense to Protect Users

Every month Facebook has a new virus or malware enticing users to click a link to see an outrageous video or asking users to change their password. While the malware may change slightly, it's still out to cause havoc and needs new user computers or accounts to keep growing.

Well, it took Facebook a few years, but it's finally going beyond its in-house security to partner with Websense, a San Diego-based firm, to police its 750 million-person social network.

The Websense® ThreatSeeker® Cloud, an advanced classification and malware identification platform, will then analyze the link in real time. If the destination site is considered unsafe, the user is presented with a warning page that offers the choice to continue at their own risk, return to the previous screen, or get more information on why it was flagged as suspicious.

Our only response is why did it take so long? The barrage of links to spam and other malware ebb and flow, but have never stopped on Facebook. Perhaps now, with the launch of the new Facebook, the social network is taking everything -- including security -- more seriously.

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