KFC Offers $20,000 Scholarship for Best Tweet

High school seniors have until Friday to tweet their way into a $20,000 scholarship from the Colonel.

KFC is offering $5,000 a year for four years toward an in-state bachelor's degree at an accredited public university, according to the restaurant's website.

With a 140-character limit, this may be the most lucrative post some students ever write. For those keeping score, that's at least $142.86 a character.

The deadline is 7 p.m. Pacific Time on Nov. 26, and the rules -- like the scholarship -- are pretty simple.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75, be graduating this academic year and plan to start on a bachelor's degree no later than Sept. 30, 2011.

The tweets (read: applications) will be judged on quality and creativity (40 percent), ability to tell a compelling story (30 percent), and entrepreneurial drive and ambition (30 percent), according to the official rules.

To enter, follow KFC on Twitter (@KFC_Colonel) and in the tweet, be sure to include the hashtag #KFCScholar (there's an easy 11 characters to fill up your entry).

The competition appears to be fierce, with tweets continuing to pour in via realtime results for #kfcscholar:

"I exemplify the qualities of a #kfcscholar every day that I stay after school until ten o'clock to manage an award winning yearbook," tweets Alex Poynter.

"I deserve to be a #KFCScholar because I have prepared for college and the only thing standing between me and my dreams is lack of money," tweets Ziyad Dadabhoy.

"I am abstinent (sex, alcohol, drugs), climb tall trees, ride, & have experienced much that give me deeper insight than my peers #KFCScholar," tweets Caleb Amy.

The winner will be announced on Dec. 1.

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