Ambassador Uses ‘Harold & Kumar' Pic in Tweet About Terrorists

Russia's Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Alexander Yakovenko, gained unexpected attention Wednesday morning after he posted a tweet that was critical of United States' policy in Iraq.

"US threatens to stop helping Iraq against ISIL if Baghdad asks Russia for help. The terrorists must be rejoicing," Yakovenko tweeted, and included a photo that showed a bearded man in a turban laughing.

Actor and former White House official Kal Penn pointed out on Twitter that the image is actually a scene from the 2008 stoner comedy "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay." Penn played Kumar Patel, an Indian American character, donning a fake beard, wig and turban, and joking about being a terrorist.

Penn thanked the ambassador in a tweet with an image of Ivan Drago, a fictional Russian character played by Swedish actor Dolph Lundgren from the 1985 film, "Rocky IV."

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