
Rub a Dub Dub: More Than 100 Oily Birds Get Cleaned Up in San Pedro

Biologists at the International Bird Rescue Center in San Pedro believe the abundance of recent rain has brought more oil than usual to the surface of the water, covering hundreds of local seabirds in oil.

More than 100 seabirds were rescued in San Pedro after getting slimed by a natural oil seep Wednesday.

After heavy rainfall and storms, workers at the International Bird Rescue's Los Angeles center splish-splashed and gave the oily birds a bath.

The storms likely disturbed a natural oil seep that made its way to the Central and California coasts.

More than 110 seabirds in all needed rescuing over the last two months.

Western Grebes, Clark's Grebes, Red-throated Loons, and Surf Scoters were among the birds rescued.

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