Jimmy Fallon Reprises His Role as Donald Trump on ‘The Debating Game'

Before the Republican debate on CNN, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham appeared on “The Debating Game” on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” — a game show hosted by President Barack Obama.

“Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon held a mock debate on Tuesday, just ahead of the GOP show down taking place in California.

“The Debating Game”, a fake game show, featured spoofs of three Republican candidates - Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham. Fallon reprised his role as Trump, announcer Steve Higgins played Bush, and A.D. Miles played Graham. An impersonator, Dion Flynn, playing President Barack Obama, hosted the game.

“Wow, these are real people who could one day run this country,” he said after introducing the three contestants.

The game, modeled after “The Dating Game” featured an undecided voter, “Rachel”, who questioned the candidates on their experience and plans to run the country.

Fallon-Trump was the first to answer her first question.

“First of all, I gotta say I love this wall. Isn’t a beautiful wall?” he asked. “I built this wall and I got Mexico to pay for it.”

The host asked him if he would actually answer the question, an obvious jab at the real Trump’s ability to jump off topic.

“No,” he replied.

Next up was Bush - and whether he had any siblings.

Bush, sheepishly denied having any, even though Trump questioned him about George W.

Rachel asked him how Bush would spice up America in the second round.

Bush first talked about guacamole - referencing earlier news about the real Bush’s hatred for peas in guacamole. He also came under fire earlier this year for selling a $75 guacamole bowl on his campaign website.

The final question went to Trump - about women’s issues and gender bias.

“I cherish women,” he said.

After Trump elaborated on his love for women, naming body parts, the undecided voter chose Trump as her favorite.

“This is the greatest decision you’ve ever made in your life,” he told her after meeting her.

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