Trump Says He's Done With ‘Birther' Talk

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump sat down with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday and said he's putting an end to the topic of President Barack Obama’s birthplace.

"I'm gonna throw you up a big fat meatball for you to hit out of the park right now ... Barack Obama, born in the United States?" Colbert asked.

"I don't talk about it anymore. I talk about jobs, I talk about our veterans being horribly treated — I just don't discuss it anymore," Trump told Colbert in response to a question while on CBS' "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Tuesday.

Trump began making the assertion that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. in 2011. He came under fire on Thursday at a rally when he did not correct an audience member who claimed Obama is a Muslim.

Trump’s controversial speeches and rhetoric have given comics and late night talk show hosts like Colbert a lot of material.

"I want to thank you, not only for being here, I want to thank you for running for president," Colbert told Trump. "I'm not going to say this stuff writes itself, but you certainly do deliver it on time every day."

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