‘Grab Them' Trump Sign Outside Indiana Bar Stirs Controversy

A sign outside a bar is causing quite a stir in one small town in northwest Indiana.

Someone at the Griffith Town Tap Bar in Griffith, Indiana, took an apparent political stance last week, posting a quote from the recently released tapes of Donald Trump making lewd, predatory comments about women on the marquee outside the bar.

While the sign originally included a version of one of Trump’s more sexually charged quotes, it has since been changed to replace the profane word in question with “$1.00 PINT” at the request of town council president Rick Ryfa.

“It's unfortunate that it was put up in such a distasteful manner,” Ryfa said. "That sign and that message is not a reflection on the town of Griffith, our people, our businesses or our government.”

Area resident Emily Hobson, a victim of sexual assault, started a petition to shut the bar down over the controversy.

“That’s disgusting,” Hobson said. "It hurts me to see people go through what I went through, and I mean, I can't handle this.”

The petition received nearly 3,000 signatures in just days, and though it might be unlikely, Ryfa said the town’s lawyers are reviewing local and state laws to see if the sign was in violation of any codes.

However, some area residents said they aren’t quite so bothered by the sign.

"I'm not offended by it. I don't support it. I think it's ridiculous,” said Liz Mares, who lives near the bar.

"You have the whole freedom of speech thing, so when it comes down to it, it's not horrible,” said neighbor Rich Hills, adding, “My kids can't read yet.”

The bar’s owner did not respond to requests for comment.

The council is expected to release its lawyers' findings at a town hall meeting on Tuesday night, which Hobson said a large group of people in support of her petition plan to attend.

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