Shop on Twitter with #AmazonCart

Amazon unveiled a new feature dubbed #AmazonCart Monday which allows Twitter users to add items to their Amazon online shopping cart.

So, why can't people just open another window or app and shop on Amazon like everyone else? Well, it's for convenience's sake -- so now you don't even have to leave Twitter to shop at Amazon, according to the Next Web. The new feature is part of "frictionless use" on Twitter, and has been used with other companies such as Comcast's ability to allow recording programs directly from a tweet.

In order to use #AmazonCart, a user must be connected to both Twitter and Amazon and reply "#AmazonCart" to any tweet that has a direct link to an Amazon item. The item will then be added to the user's shopping basket. It will not be bought without approval on the Amazon account, but Amazon will send an email and tweet letting users know if the product was added or otherwise unavailable. 

We don't know if this new feature will help people save time, but it's sure to keep your Amazon shopping cart full. It will be interesting to see if #AmazonCart shows up on other social media sites, such as Pinterest or Instagram.

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