WikiLeaks Reveals Apple's Counterfeit Strategies

WikiLeaks is not just about embarrassing foreign leaders, it's also about revealing Apple secrets.

Cables released by the site last week gave a look into how the Cupertino technology company works to counter counterfeit products across the globe and mainly in China.

Most of Apple's efforts are centered in China, where the company manufacturers most of its products in China’s Guangdong province and Shenzhen.

The cables say Apple built an anti-counterfeit team in 2008 to combat combat counterfeited iPhones and iPod touches.

Cables obtained from an electronic memo from the Beijing embassy says that progress has been slow for Apple because of a mixed response from Chinese authorities.

But Apple has reportedly adopted a three step approach to hunt fake products. The company first targets fake retailers and then works with local authorities to shut down manufacturing facilities.

Some raids have been successful == Shenzhen police helped Apple recover 656 fake iPhones and 140 cases -- but others have died before they started because authorities did not want to put people out of work.

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