Andrew Luck Meets His Fans, Thanks to G+

QB already social networking

Give the kid some credit -- he knows how to network.

Andrew Luck, newly minted number one draft pick, didn't go straight to Disneyland when he was drafted.  He hopped on Google+. Luck led a "Hangout" with Indianapolis Colt fans after the draft, meeting in a (semi) intimate way those who are curious about the future of their favorite franchise.

It's a small world if you're a Stanford fan, too, when you think about it: Stanford's football hero taking advantage of technology developed by Stanford students. Google+ made the Hangout available via its YouTube property, so Colt blogs could post it, helping to get the word out.

If you listen to Hangout, you'll be able to tell that Luck is a thoughtful and intelligent young man, with many fans who can easily be described the same way.  At first, some seemed a bit geeked out over getting to go one-to-one with their new quarterback, but,soon, the intimacy of the Hangout relaxes everyone, and it's truly a chance to hang out.

A triumph for Silicon Valley social networking, as well as good news for fans who want to break down the barriers between them, and their heroes.

Scott, a UCLA grad, can be reached on Twitter:  @scottbudman

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