San Francisco

Bay Area 10-Year-Old Headed to the Masters For Golf Competition

It’s one thing to go to the Masters as a fan. That’s bucket list material. It’s another to go as a competitor, and that’s what 10-year old Eric Yun will do next month. Colin Resch reports.

It's one thing to go to the Masters as a fan. That's bucket list material. It's another to go as a competitor, and that's what 10-year old Eric Yun will do next month.

"It wasn't until like a day later when I realized, wow, I'm one of like 10 kids remaining in the country for my age group," the young Menlo Park resident said.

There are four age groups, 80 kids total, boys and girls. Eric is one of four Bay Area finalists who will take aim at the Drive, Chip and Putt championship at Augusta National on April 2.

It's a fitting venue considering his introduction to the game in 2013.

"We were on a surfing trip in Hawaii, and my dad was like, 'Hey there's a driving range; why don't we stop by?' And that was my first experience with golf," Eric said. "Mainly, what I think really got us started was watching the Masters a few weeks later. Me and my brother were really intrigued by it."

Eric's older brother Jeremy, 14, is a scratch golfer himself and Eric's biggest fan.

"I'm very proud of him," Jeremy said. "He's worked very hard on his game in the last year, and he's always wanted to go to Drive, Chip and Putt. And ever since we watched the Masters in 2013, with Adam Scott battling Angel Cabrera in the playoff, we were both hooked."

Once these brothers are hooked on something, watch out, they say.

Jeremy and his band made an appearance on a recent episode of NBC's "Little Big Shots." And Eric gave an anti-littering speech at San Francisco's Exploratorium just last week.

Both also excel in flag football, basketball, baseball and Texas Hold 'em. Give them an activity, and they're all in. It's hard to overwhelm these brothers, but even Eric admits, the Masters will be the ultimate test.

"I feel like when I step up to my first drive, I'll be shaking really bad," he said.

Even if he's nervous, he knows he'll have his entire family there in support.

"I'm a complete wreck," said Kimberly Bazar, Eric's mother. "He's going to be fine. He'll be pulseless; he always is. We can't wait. We're counting down. It's going to be amazing. I can't believe we finally get to go to a place that really inspired them to get into golf in the first place."

Definitely bucket list material.

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