Brad Pitt Dons an A's Hat for SI Cover

 Being in third place and fifteen games under 500 usually doesn't lead to good press for a baseball team.

But then most baseball teams aren't the Oakland Athletics.

Despite not having a winning season since 2006 -- being 500 doesn't count -- the A's have a Hollywood premiere coming to their hometown Monday night and now arguably the biggest name in movies is rocking an A's hat on a national magazine.

Brad Pitt in green and gold will grace the cover of this week's Sports Illustrated magazine. The actor immediately becomes the most recognizable name to don an A's hat this season.

You can't buy press like that.

Mr. Angelina Jolie of course plays A's General Manager Billy Bean in the movie "Moneyball," which premieres in Oakland Monday night.

Pitt joins a short list of actors to grace the cover of SI that includes Stephen Colber, Matt Wahlberg, Arnold Scwarzenegger and Christian Bale.

"I was just happy to do Sports Illustrated," Pitt said in a statement. "To do something other than the fashion-y things, for something I respect, is much more fun."

The issue is on newsstands now and includes a full review of the movie.

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