Giants, Cubs Wearing 1912 Throwbacks on June 2

You might be looking at the picture above and thinking to yourself "Why do I care about the Cubs and Yankees playing baseball against each other?"

You don't. But you do care about the Giants and the Cubs meeting in San Francisco to wear throwback jerseys from 1912, which is precisely what they'll be doing on June 2, 2012.

These jerseys are not yet mentioned on the Giants list of special events. (But how amazing is that Giants sake set?)

However, these uni's -- via the picture you see above -- have made their way around the Internet.

The guys over at Logo Asylum purport to have the full list of throwbacks that teams will be using. And Al Yellon of Bleed Cubbie Blue's mentioned them as well.

So, provided the throwbacks are indeed real, how dope are they? Answer: ridiculously dope.

It stinks to see the "SF" replaced with a "NY," of course, but it's also a friendly reminder of the first team from New York. (What's up, 1883?)

To be totally honest, though, the Cubs throwback is even cooler: the short-tailed bear, squatting inside a standard white "C" is just outstanding.

Either way, though, seeing the teams match up in these classics from 1912. That year, by the way, the Giants lost the World Series to the Red Sox, with Boston taking the series 4-3. Here's an interesting factoid, though: it took eight games because Game 3 of the series ended in a 6-6 tie. (No, I'm not sure whether one of Bud Selig's uncles was commissioner then.)

And yes, that happened two years after the Cubs won their last World Series title. You know they love these throwback (read: reminder) games.

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