JaVale McGee's New Tattoo: ‘Couldn't of Got It Without My Brothers!'

JaVale McGee got some new ink this summer.

How do we know?

Because he posted a picture of the tattoo on Instagram:

Remember the story Steve Kerr revealed on The Lowe Post podcast two days after the Warriors beat the Cavs in Game 5?

When asked if there was a specific moment from the celebration that stood out the most, Kerr said:

"The party was great but what I'm gonna remember -- the thing that's gonna jump out -- is my exchange with JaVale McGee as the stage was being set on the court, literally minutes after the buzzer sounded. JaVale came up to me -- he was hugging his daugther, his daugther is about six months old I think -- and he was bawling. He was bawling.

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"He just came over to me and gave me a huge hug and he just told me how happy he was and how much he loved the team and the season he just had and how meaningful it was. And that's what will jump out."

After the Warriors drafted Jordan Bell, re-signed Zaza Pachulia and gave the full taxpayer mid-level exception to Nick Young, it appeared McGee wouldn't be back with Golden State for a second season.

He was reportedly unhappy with the Warriors and was seeking a salary more than the veteran minimum.

Although that never materialized, McGee had a great experience in the Bay Area and decided to return.

If the Warriors win the title again in 2018, perhaps McGee will get the same tattoo on the other forearm?

Drew Shiller is the co-host of Warriors Outsiders and a Web Producer at NBC Sports Bay Area. Follow him on Twitter @DrewShiller

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