Jed York Tweets Ticket Offer

Four tickets and a field pass to the best answer to a Jed York question.

Having trouble finding a ticket for this weekend's NFC Championship game?

One man who has enough tickets that he has extras is 49er owner Jed York.

York Tweeted on Monday that he will give away four tickets to the person who gives him the best answer as to why they deserve them. 

"Hey #NinerFaithful, let me know why I should give you 4 tix + pregame field passes to the NFC Championship. Best answer by Tue 5pm wins."

He didn't say it was a requirement, but it seems like hopefuls should Tweet their reply back.

Here is a link to his Twitter page.

York has been Tweeting all weekend.  He also announced in Twitter that his "Uncle Eddie" (as in DeBartolo) will be the honorary captain for Sunday's game.

Go Niners!

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