Jordan Bell Enjoys Trolling Bulls

OAKLAND -- Jordan Bell fessed up. Got honest. Came clean. Snitched on himself.

After saying Friday morning that he held no grudge against the franchise that drafted him, the Warriors rookie admitted Friday night that enjoyed every moment, including several memorable highlights, in a 143-94 win over the Bulls at Oracle Arena.

A good feeling, eh?

"I'm not going to lie. It was," Bell said. "Just because of everything that happened. I know I said at first, coming in to the game, that I wasn't really thinking about it. But then everybody kept reminding me about it today, so it felt pretty good."

Though Chicago drafted Bell last June, it was at the direction of the Warriors, who bought his rights for cash considerations that amounted to $3.5 million.

Making his first NBA start, for a resting Draymond Green, Bell played 27 minutes, contributing 7 points, six rebounds, four assists and two steals. Oh, and six blocks.


"They were all impressive," coach Steve Kerr marveled.

With exquisite timing, Bell chased down Bulls forward Denzel Valentine for a one block in the third quarter, slamming the ball off the backboard to trigger a Warriors fast break.

On another, in the fourth quarter, Bell initially protected the rim against a driving Paul Zipser, who was forced to pump-fake and pass to Quincy Pondexter, whose layup attempt was rejected outright on Bell's second leap.

"That's probably my favorite one, just because everybody thought they were going to score," Bell said. "It was a good hustle play."

Bell acknowledged making several mental mistakes, particularly defending Bulls rookie Lauri Markkanen, but generally seemed pleased with his part in a runaway victory.

He even caught and slammed a lob pass from, of all teammates, Zaza Pachulia, on a two-man fast break.

Bell most assuredly was pleased with his last offensive sequence, stealing a Pondexter pass and starting a solo fast break, crossing over Zipser before he dropped in a layup. 

After making the shot, Bell rubbed his fingers in each hand, in the international sign for "money," while mouthing the words "three point five."

"I wanted to see how ‘Cash Considerations' was playing over there," Bell said about as smoothly as possible while sprinkling sarcasm.

He had thought about trolling the Bulls from the moment he was told on Wednesday he would start. As the game neared, he decided he'd better stick to preparing for the game. It worked out just fine.

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