No White House Visit for Giants While in D.C.

The Giants are the world champions. The Giants are playing their only series of the year in Washington. So, naturally, the Giants are going by the White House. Er, perhaps not.

While it does make complete and total sense that the team would be invited to the White House and that they would spend their time in Washington, D.C., with the President, they're not going to.

Apparently Barack Obama is "too busy" or some such; for whatever reason, the man in the oval office feels the need to tend to "national affairs" instead of "hosting sports teams."

So the Giants will be going to the Supreme Court.

Which is kind of like thinking that you're going to Disneyworld when your parents take you on a long road trip to Orlando, only to arrive and end up going only to Epcot Center.

No offense to the Supreme Court, because they're quite cool people. But a trip to the White House is something every national champion does.

And no President in the history of this country has been more willing to accommodate sports teams than Obama, which makes it a little surprising that he's not swinging the team through on their tour of the east coast.

Good news is they'll hit up the White House in July when they come back and play the Phillies in Philadelphia.

But still, that's not really the same thing.

Hopefully Epcot Center inspires the team to step it up and beat the tar out of Washington.

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