Raiders Coach Cut Ties With Supplement Company

Just in time to become the new head coach of the Raiders, Hue Jackson reportedly severed ties with a company that makes an alternative to steroids.

Jackson cut ties with Sports With Alternatives to Steroids (S.W.A.T.S.) in early January. The company produces a muscle-stimulating product with IGF-1, which is made from velvet deer antler.

While the chemical is not a steroid, per se, it is on the NFL's banned substance list, which is probably why Jackson ended his relationship with the company.

Jackson began introducing the product to Baltimore Ravens' players, where he coached, after meeting S.W.A.T.S. owner Mitch Ross in 2008.

The new coach said he had no knowledge of the banned ingredient in the product he was pushing called "The Ultimate Spray."

The NFL prohibits coaches from endorsing supplement companies but NFL Director of Corporate Communications Brian McCarthy told the PostGame that Jackson is now in compliance with the rule 

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