Report: Bogut Expected to Join Cavs After 76ers Buyout

It appears Andrew Bogut is set to see what the view is like from the other side of the NBA's top rivalry.

Traded by Dallas to Philadelphia on Thursday, the former Warriors center will receive a contract buyout from the 76ers and then join the Cleveland Cavaliers for the stretch run, according to ESPN.

On Saturday, the Cavs, Spurs and Rockets were all reported to have interest in Bogut if he was made available following a buyout.

Injuries have derailed Bogut's season. He appeared in just 26 games with the Mavericks this season and averaged 3 points, 8.3 rebounds and 1 block per contest.

Bogut was part of the two Warriors teams that faced the Cavs in the last two NBA Finals matchups.

Bogut's tenure with the Warriors came to an end on July 7, 2016 when he was traded to Dallas in order for Golden State to clear salary cap space to sign Kevin Durant.

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