Melky Gets Help From Fans on Top Catch

It was the top of the sixth inning and the Giants were up 7-1, looking set to cruise against the Padres. That they were up big didn't change Melky Cabrera's attitude towards a popped-up foul ball though -- the outfielder still took a dive into the stands to try and record an out.

And he got a little help from his friends, as you can see below via As Melky dove into the stands and caught the ball, the fans caught him. And then, as Jon Miller pointed out on NBC Bay Area's broadcast, they tossed Melky back onto the field.

For the record, you never see this in stadiums. Usually fans either a) go for the ball themselves and screw up the team's chances of recording an out, or b) get the hell out of the way when someone comes diving into the stands.

Giants fans, however, helped Melky make the play and stay healthy at the same time. They landed as the No. 1 play on SportsCenter's Top 10 Tuesday, and it's pretty easy to see why. Well done, Melkman, and well done Giants fans.

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