Young Baseball Players Luck Out During Oakland A's Jersey Giveaway

 Young basball afficianados in the East Bay Area were outfitted with brand new, customized Oakland A's Jerseys on Saturday.

The giveaway was part of the "Youth Uniform Program" for the Oakland Cal Ripken-Babe Ruth Baseball League. 

The mini-leaguers smiled ear to ear as they received their new duds at O.Co Colesium. All told, 800 jerseys and hats were given out  Saturday, but a whopping 5,000 jerseys and hats will be given to youth players over the course of celebratory events to kick off the season. 

"This will help the A's show what they are about in our community," said one coach. "They've always been supportive of us, and I'm quite sure they will be in the future. We will wear these uniforms proudly and represent the Oakland A's."

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