Gallery: Farmous B&W Photos Get Colorized

Using Photoshop to give living color to older images.

To make famous black and white photos even more impactful, artist Sweden-based artist Sanna Dullaway gave a batch of iconic photos a splash of color — making the imagery represented in each picture all the more powerful.

Who knows what color suit Abraham Lincoln really wore when he took this photo. It could have been blue, black or brown. Dullaway went with blue. The same goes for Einstein, Che Guevara and all the other people and backgrounds in these colorized photos.

These are Dullaway's interpretations of what the world looked like. The before and after shots speak for themselves. I love black and white photography, but imagine how different everything would have been if our textbooks had color photos of the atrocities in World War I and II.

How many of these people and photos can you ID off the top of your head?

Sanna Dullaway deviantART, via DesignYouTrust and Best Bookmarks For the latest tech stories, follow DVICE on Twitter at @dvice or find us on Facebook

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