Google Tool Tracks Earthquake Victims

As authorities assess the damage wrought by the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan, Google has a tool that will help everyone track victims of the disaster.

Google's Crisis Response Center page provides links to disaster resources, recent news headlines and the Google Person Finder, according to MSNBC's Technolog.

The Finder is a simple form where individuals can post and gather data about people who may be missing after an emergency. People need to provide the full name of the individual they have information about, as well as their own names and email addresses, according to the blog.

In the hours after Friday's quake, 5,500 records have been added to the database.

The tool was invented after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and has been used in the Christchurch, New Zealand, quake, as well.

Local coverage of the tsunami watch is here.

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