Steve Jobs Gets Presidential & British Props

It's a long way to come for Steve Jobs, having left the company he co-founded -- and quite erroneously being reported dead -- to being held up as paragon of American innovation and success.

Task-mastering prowess even led to having a tech-term coined for his charisma and focus: the Reality Distortion Field.

Britain's Financial Times have named Jobs their person of the year, citing the iPad as "[t]he culmination of an approach that he has seemingly been perfecting for his entire career."

To prove the point, FT heavily subsidized employee purchases of the tablet so they, as a company, could share the user experience -- and hone their business approach to it.

One year removed from a liver transplant, Jobs is riding a tech zeitgeist that he helped create. He's also riding some significant personal gains (read cash-money).

President Obama answered a reporter's question about the top earners in America in relation to their tax burden, according to

The president prefaced his answer with a reference to present-day tycoons outnumbering the pre-Depression wealth gap of the 1920s.

Then he slid into some fanboy praise: "We celebrate somebody like a Steve Jobs, who has created two or three different revolutionary products. We expect that person to be rich, and that's a good thing. We want that incentive. That's part of the free market."

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