The Web Is Dead: Square's COO

Mobile payment company Square has a dog in this fight, but that's not to say that COO Keith Rabois is wrong, proclaiming that the web is dying, according to Silicon Alley Insider.

During Tuesday's VentureBeat Mobile Summit, Rabois used his considerable credentials and acumen to tell the audience that it's impossible "to attack anything on the web," as Matt Rosoff wrote on SAI.

Citing Yelp, Rabois stipulates that reinventing the web experience will happen on the mobile phone.

Given Rabois cred as an angel investor, board member of Yelp, and in corporate development at Slide and PayPal, he surely has reasons other than pure analysis of the situation; however, the data is bearing out some of his claims.

Mobile has a 33 percent share of all searches on Yelp, for instance. And mobile apps, according to Rabois, offer "pixel-perfect" experiences.

The limitations of mobile are pointed out by Chris Yeh (himself an angel investor) at VentureBeat proper: they struggle with large data amounts and are more difficult to upload data than a desk- or laptop.

Given the boost mobile has been, and the deepening penetration of lean-back devices like tablets, the Mobile Summit is an indicator, if not incubator, of what's happening in this space.

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