Volunteer At The Marina Green Open June 5

The Marina Green Open is an Amateur Doubles volleyball tournament, with proceeds from benefitting Hands On Bay Area and The Beverly Fund. Players from the greater Bay Area come to the Marina Green to compete for fun, cash, prizes and opportunity to help these two great charities.  We would like to provide two people per court to help facilitate faster play by serving as “Ball Folks” to retrieve errant balls during warm-ups and competition.

Click here to sign up!

Name of Event: 32nd Annual Marina Green Open
Time: 9am-6pm
Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Location: “Little” Marina Green – 872 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123
view map
Event max # of Volunteers:  25
Contact: Ed Marwitz
Contact Email: Ed@eMarwitz.com
Contact Phone: 970.485.2819
Age Restrictions: 13-17 would be preferred
Type of Work: “Ball Folks” to chase down balls to facilitate faster play
Waiver Required? Yes.
Attire: Weather and activity appropriate… it’s an  outdoor athletic event.  The 2009 event was sunny and warm but that fog can roll in anytime!
Items to Bring: Lot of energy and a good attitude!

Meals Provided: Lunch
Beverages Provided: Plenty of water and sports drinks.

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